Thursday, December 20, 2012


I finally got up the courage to step on the scale at work yesterday, and I've gained six pounds between Thanksgiving and today.  Aaagghhh!  I'm disgusted with myself, but I can't say I'm surprised.  What is the statistic?  I think I've heard that the average person gains seven pounds over the holidays, or maybe it's 11.  But I think it's the kind of weight that comes off easily.  It comes from uncharacteristically eating more (especially sweets), my body kind of goes into shock and overreacts, but then it self-corrects after a few days of proper eating.  At least that's how it seems to go with me.

Yesterday I did not have once piece of sugar, and I didn't eat one thing between meals.  In other words, the way I usually eat.  It is amazing how much better I feel today, not just my body but my mood.  Garbage in, garbage out.

There is apparently a ton of cedar, or something like it, in the air.  I don't know if I'd call myself allergic, but my reaction to that stuff is not watery eyes or stuffed-up sinuses, it's bone-weary exhaustion.  I came home from work yesterday and wanted to just fall into bed, but there is no way, this close to the finish line, I'm going to blow it.  So I took Banks on exactly the same walk I'd gone on the night before, because it ended up being exactly an hour and a half, but of course with Banks it was slightly longer than that.  And hot. Once again, I kept on my work clothes, which yesterday included a long skirt, tights and boots.  I walked in those!  I don't know why, but just like the night before, I guess I wanted some variety, and I wanted to sweat.  The cold front (it's blustery and loud outside right now) came in overnight, and I am praying that we'll have this kind of weather through the end of the year.

Don't you hate when you have a dream when you can't breathe?  I dreamed last night I was visiting someone at a school, and I couldn't get my breath, and I went to find the school nurse, who told me it was allergies.  I had to wake up to get a full breath! 

Today is yet another full-on potluck (office-wide, not just our smaller group) and white elephant.  I swear I am not going to take one bit of anything, because, like an alcoholic, my problem is stopping once I've started.  Never got the hang of that "just take a bit or two" of something high-calorie and delicious.  And I think you know my policy on the white elephant thing.

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