Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I took off yesterday mostly just to give my blistery feet a rest.  When I woke up this morning, they still hurt, so I took a novel approach to my walk:  I wore my Earth Shoes.  I think I did that once before, not intentionally, but just because I'd worn them to work, they were comfortable, and I decided on a whim to go for a walk over the lunch hour.  This time I put more thought into it.  The shoes are made in such a way that they sort of distribute your weight; there's support built into the arch, so you're putting less pressure directly onto the balls of your feet.  That's exactly what I was looking for, because the balls of my feet are exactly where my big, watery blisters still reside. Over the lunch hour I walked around the downtown area, trying to fit some hills in, for the whole hour and a half, knowing that I wasn't leaving work today until 6:00.  It was a good move.  My feet feel fine.

I think tomorrow I'll be ready to get back to my walking shoes, hopefully in the morning.

Remember a few weeks ago, when I emailed Pam LeBlac from the Austin-American Statesman with a submission for her "Fit Folks" column?  And I was upset because she wouldn't run it immediately?  This past Sunday I had some serious anxiety about that decision.  The whole purpose was to publicize my blog, but the more I got to thinking about it, the more that prospect seemed worrisome.  As it is, only my first name is on the blog.  If it were linked to a piece on me with my full name, anyone I ever met who googled me would find out all kinds of things about me.  Especially I got nervous at the prospect of some of the people I encounter in my work, who see me as an adversary.  Mark reminds me of how easy it would be to take something that I wrote, twist it into something it isn't, and use it against me.

So on Sunday I emailed Pam that I'd changed my mind.  She wasn't happy about it, said it was scheduled to run the following Monday, and that now she'd have to "scramble" to undo it.  Crap.  I wavered for a little while, and then decided I had to trust my instincts.  Don't get me wrong. I still want to publicize this thing and try to figure out how to market it, but this just didn't seem like the right venue.  The quest continues.

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