Monday, June 18, 2012


Last night, as I opened up my laptop to blog about my Saturday and Sunday walks, I realized that something was different about my blog page – all of the headers which give me options such as “new post” or “edit” or “publish” or basically anything, had disappeared, and all there was left was a lonely picture of Banks and me.  Believe me, it’s not like anything exciting happened this weekend that I absolutely had to tell you about, but still!  It was disconcerting to be disconnected from the blog, so I brought my laptop into work, and even as I type this (from my work computer), I have Aimee troubleshooting for me.
Saturday morning seems so long ago.  Banks is now to the point where 20 minutes is about his limit.  I miss my lionhearted dog, and more than anything else, that’s why I am longing for the fall weather.  But after his return home, I went back to the hills, which is now my default setting.  As much as I love the trail, which it seems I haven’t been to in ages, it’s flat, and I don’t get the same kind of workout. 
Last night was the exact same thing, a short one with Banks and then the hills.  I especially love Leland, Terrace and Mary.  I had a ridiculously cheesy piece of pizza at lunchtime, and kept thinking about heartburn and clogged arteries, so wanted to blast it out of my system.  I took those three hills, twice each.  Normally I return home and am disheartened to see that I still have 10 minutes to go, but yesterday I’d overdone it by about 14.
My knees, which gave me so much trouble at the beginning of all this, are almost never an issue anymore.  But invariably, whenever my gait is off, or I am extra diligent about hitting those hills, payback settles into my left hip.  I wonder if it’s arthritis?  I know that when I stretch away from the left hip, and twist and lean to the right, I can really feel a good stretch.
My boss, who is in probably the best shape of anyone I know (he runs and does spin classes), just told me that he recorded his resting heart rate at 38.  I just did mine, and no, I’m not a superhero like him, but mine was – 58!  That’s the lowest I’ve ever seen it.  I remember several years ago, I went to donate blood, and they had to keep taking my pulse over and over again, because it wouldn’t go below 100.

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