Monday, June 11, 2012


I finally, finally broke the Monday curse.  I hated having my day off be the first day of the week, but that's the pattern I got into, I'd say for the last eight weeks or so.  I am still on a roll.

Yesterday, when I shared my unbridled glee at the pace and degree of difficulty of my last three walks, I failed to take into consideration that there was a physical component to this thing, as well as the psychological.  I woke up this morning with a lot of stiffness in the knees, and had to do a lot of stretching to feel anywhere near normal. 

I started the walk at either 7:54 or 7:56 PM, with Banks in tow.  When he started petering out, and I dropped him off, I was almost exactly halfway done.  No showing off today -- I stuck to the flat roads around the neighborhood and throughout St. Ed's.

Unfortunately, breaking the Monday curse was not even close to the most important thing that happened to me today.  I got into a wreck.  Still can't believe it. I was approaching an intersection, and had this dawning realization that "They're not going to stop," followed closely by "I'm going to hit them," and concluding with "S--t, I actually hit them!"  It was totally my fault.  I was looking for an address, and went right through a red light.  Thank God -- THANK GOD -- no one got hurt.  And the two very young girls in the other car could not have been nicer.  I know you're not supposed to say "I'm sorry" when you're in an accident, but what else do you say when it's so clearly your fault?  My car definitely got the worst of it -- a fender is pretty caved in -- but it's driveable, while I try to figure out what I want to do.  (Spend $800 to get it fixed?  Get a new car?  Pawn this one off on Jackson?)  Not a great day, but could have been worse.  It could always be worse.

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