Wednesday, April 4, 2012

False Alarm

I found my phone.  Apparently Jackson's definition of "really looked for it" does not include looking on the third shelf of the bookcase in my bedroom, which is exactly at his eye level.  In all fairness, I did have it on silent.  I'm just glad -- so glad -- to have it back. 

Tonight's walk started out shakily.  I loaded Banks into the car, we drove to the lake, had to wait about five minutes for a parking spot to open up, got out of the car....and I realized I'd forgotten Banks' leash.  That's not quite as brainless as it might sound -- I take him in the car with me all the time, to my office, to the grocery store -- without a leash, so it feels very natural.  As we drove back to get the leash, I resigned myself to the usual neighborhood walk, but in the end, I couldn't do it. Banks had already got a taste of his favorite place, and truthfully, so had I.  So we  returned to the lake for a much later start than usual.

But it was a great walk.  I had brought my phone along to listen to the four random songs I'd had Aimee download for me just so I could see (and promptly forget) how it was done. "Hair" by the Cowsills, "Jamie's Crying" by Van Halen, "Godless Brother in Love" by Iron and Wine, and "Calamity Song" by the Decemberists.  It's been weeks since I walked to music, and I'd forgotten how freeing it was, and how much faster the walk goes. 

By around 9:00, with a half hour still to go, the trail was ours, Banks' and mine.  No matter how dark it is, or how late, or how alone we are, I am fearless when Banks is with me.  But I think these warm springtime walks take a lot out of him.  He usually hangs out with me until I go to bed, but tonight he went straight to my room, jumped on my bed, and when I go into the kitchen, I can hear his soft snoring.  Sleep tight, buddy.

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