Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Oh, you have no idea how much I wanted to skip my walk tonight.  NO idea.  A front is moving in, the wind has picked up and there's talk of a lot of rain, maybe as early as tonight. It's exactly the kind of weather I love, but from the indoors, especially on a night like this.  I'm not a political junkie, exactly, but there is something very soothing about parking yourself in front of the television on a night like Super Tuesday and letting the anchors spoon feed you information, both substantial and gossipy.

But that's not going to get my five miles walked, and it's not going to get my blog written, so off Banks and I went.  Although I'm getting a little tired of St. Ed's, I wore my glasses instead of my contacts today, and wanted to bee seen by as few people as possible. (And if you've seen me in my glasses, you'd understand). No promenading up and down Congress in these coke bottles.

I took my stopwatch, and though the start of the walk -- especially if you're not really into it -- can seem like there's a mountain in front of you, it goes very quickly if you break it into thirds.  Before you know it, a half hour has passed.  Then I veer off into an unfamiliar neighborhood, force myself not to check the clock, and when I do, it's at about the hour mark.  Now all I have to do is start homewards, adjusting my course to to ensure the full 1.5  hours has elapsed.

So now I sit, happily parked in front of the television, with Anderson, Wolff and the rest of them telling me what's happening and WHAT IT ALL MEANS.  And it is so much more enjoyable with those five miles behind me.

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