Saturday, February 18, 2012

Solitude Weekend

Okay, one walk in the rain is a novelty; two in a row loses its charm.  Once again, it rained all day.  I kept waiting for it to stop, and it really didn't until about 6:30.  And I came dangerously close to missing my walk.  I could feel myself getting tired (I'd worked around the house all day, as well as done some work work), and I kept trying to find a reason not to go.  I could do 10 miles tomorrow.  I could go a whole week without another day off.  But it's a slipperly slope, and I didn't want to step on it, so we went.  Banks and I did the old north on Congress route, winding through the neighborhoods, finishing up with a couple of blocks around the neighborhood to make it five.

I was supposed to be an empty nester starting last September, but a disastrous roommate arrangement resulted in Jackson, my 19-year-old, moving back into my very small house.  As much as I love having him -- and I really do love his company, and his sense of humor, and his near-constant guitar playing -- there are times when I crave some privacy and silence.  So I proposed to him a "solitude weekend" where he would stay with his father one weekend out of the month.  That's this weekend. The introvert in me is relishing the alone time, the complete disregard for dinner on the table,the clean bathroom and the ability to play classical music all day long. 

And the mother in me is missing the Kurt Cobain riffs and the shaggy head bending down to kiss Banks.

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