Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Letting Go

My insomnia runs in cycles, so it's not surprising that it's still dogging me.  Woke up at 1:00, gave up returning to sleep and got out of bed at 2:00, read and cleaned up a little, returning to bed around 3:30.  Up at 6:00, a little late to start my five, but I wasn't going to deny Banks another morning walk.  We headed south this time on Congress, a mistake I won't repeat on a workday morning:  There is about 1/4 mile between traffic lights, and the cars whizz by, which seemed to unnerve Banks; going north on Congress, the traffic is heavy, but there are lights at every block, so it's slow.  It had been so long that we'd gone in that direction that I couldn 't remember any markers beyond the 1-mile (Flaco's).  So we went that far, headed back northbound, and took the Woodward entrance into St. Ed's, where we finished up. The girls' soccer team was practicing and several of them made a big fuss over Banks, which we both enjoyed.

I've been dealing with what feels like a fairly long-simmering relationship issue, and though I didn't focus on it during my walk, it was right there under the surface.  And about three miles in, I decided to let go of my passive-aggressiveness and take the high road.  It was that simple.  I can't control others' behavior, but I can control my response.  They have their weaknesses, I have mine.  How many of my faults do people overlook every day?  How many times does an oversight or a thoughtless word or action on my part cause unintended pain?  I don't even want to think about it.

Yep, it was that simple.  I felt lighter that last mile and a half than I have in a while.  When I got home, there was still 24 minutes on the clock.  I'll make that up over the lunch hour, joining friends who like to walk to the Capitol.  I gotta get to work..

1 comment:

  1. Awww, a gaggle of girls making nice over Banks beats out a sour old man with a lap dog and bad attitude any day. It's good to read you dropped a bag of bricks and felt lighter, those bags do seem to come and go, don't they. Enjoy your walk today and as for yesterday, I didn't smell a thing!
