Monday, September 10, 2012

The French Thing, Continued

Oh, how tired of this you must be getting of all this, but please indulge me just once more.  I told you about my wonderful, perfect French dinner on Saturday night, and the fact that I overdid it, both food and wine-wise. But here's the thing -- when you overdo it on Mexican food, or American classics like fried chicken or hamburgers and French fries, you feel it in a big and greasy way.  When I woke up Sunday morning, not only did I feel completely fresh and energetic, I was in no way affected by the wine that I drank.  Come to think of it, I was unaffected WHILE I was drinking it, and that is unheard of -- those first few sips alway give me a tingly, aching feeling in my jaw, which everyone tells me means that I'm allergic to red wines. This was of course a French wine, and was completely smooth, and, I assume, expensive -- I was the birthday girl so wasn't allowed to ask. 

To top it all off, Sunday was the first truly brisk, even cool morning in months, and Banks and I enjoyed a wonderful hour-long walk together before I dropped him off to finish the rest.  And even better -- my first day without nursery duty in six months.  I lingered over the paper, allowed myself a few extra cups of coffee, and overall, just began the day with a sense of well-being.

I got very little sleep last night, for a variety of stressful reasons, and since I had two work meetings over the weekend, I'm leaving at 2:00 and going straight to bed.  Today may or may not be my day off.  We'll see.

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