Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Indian Summer

It is very unusual for me to take an "off" day on an off day -- like Labor Day -- but yesterday I decided to listen to my body and give my knees a rest.  Those barefoot walks definitely took a toll, not just on my knees but on the muscles in the front of my calves.  It was the right decision; I woke up this morning feeling great, let my boss know I was extending my vacation until noon, and took Banks to Town Lake. 

Poor Banks.  I knew he'd been walked minimally while I was out of town, so I decided to take him for the whole five. And, you know, it's now September, and the weather is getting cooler....

We got to the trail at 9:30, and I rather nervously noted that it was hotter and more humid than I'd expected.  Well, too late now.  Our first setback was when we got across the pedestrian bridge, to the orange barrels and they were all empty.  At 9:30???  Well, we were two miles from the 0 mile starting point, we could hold out that long.  Those barrels were empty too!  What planet am I on?  I could stop and drink hot water at the fountains, but Banks was limited to the few places around the lake he could drink from on the shore without fear of tumbling in, and I didn't even have a cup to fill up for him.  The walk got slower the longer it went on, and I was actually getting a little nervous on Banks' behalf, but once you start around that loop, there's no going back.  He came home and CRASHED.

I wonder if I'm coming down with something.  Why do my arms ache?  Do you think it could be all that driving I did over the weekend?  Does holding the steering wheel for prolonged periods sort of isometrically work those muscles?

I'll google it.  Thank God for Google.  I spent most of my lunch hour poring over articles that matched "Are leggings appropriate for the office?"  There is no consensus.  Okay if you work for an ad agency or in the fashion industry, but stick with the wool/cotton thicker blends; definitely not okay if you work in a law firm or in the financial industry. Avoid the shiny ones, they'll make you look like your're going out clubbing. The one thing everyone agrees on is the butt MUST be covered, preferably with a tunic.  And leggings with heels are slutty. 

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