Friday, September 14, 2012


It was a dicey thing to wait until evening to do my walk tonight, because as everyone in Austin already knows, we've had steady rain over the last 24 hours or so, and more's on the way. But it was a beautiful night. Cool and clean, with seemingly all the impurities in the air washed away.  I hope that this respite is only for a few hours and we get a replay of last night -- a steady, hypnotic downfall that paces itself and lasts the whole night.  The only thing that broke the mood was Wally, sitting on my bedroom windshield, yowling pitifully.  I got out of bed, opened the door off the kitchen and called him, but apparently he preferred the relative dryness of where he was (the window has a slight overhang) to making a dash through the storm to come in through the door.

I talked to Susan last night, my cousin in Omaha, and she reported that the high that day was something like 72.  The high!  As much as I enjoy "winging it," I'm going to  have to do some ressearch on what to wear in what kind of weather for a marathonj.  I mean, I won't be running, but I assume I'll work up SOME kind of a sweat.  The top part is easy -- layers -- but should I wear shorts?  Shorts with tights?  Better check out some blogs.

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