Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I took off yesterday, and after a retirement celebration potluck luncheon (not mine, of course), I was ready for a workout.  I was set to walk to the gym around 4:30, and I realized (will I EVER get it all together?) that, though I had remembered my iphone, I had neglected to include my earbuds in my gym bag.  An hour on that treadmill with no music and no NPR is just too hard; fortunately, my office neighbor Gail had a spare pair.  I even remembered my water this time.

I overdid it, of course.  Make a little headway, and you get cocky.  I keep wanting to bring my time down to under an hour, but when I jack the treadmill ramp up to level 10, it is VERY hard to maintain a 4.2 pace.  And once again.  My butt.  I had the incline on a 10 for one 10-minute segment, on 8 for another.  I'm feeling it.

Afterwards I browsed through the overpriced boutique. Usually I don't like gym T-shirts and their self-congratulatory slogans, but something drew me to the rack.  Maybe it was their charcoal-gray color, one of my favorites. But then I noticed their slogans.  Every one of them had a different version of "Stronger than...."   Stronger than my resolutions.  Stronger than the 9 to 5.  Stronger than yesterday. I am MORTIFIED to admit that tears welled up in my eyes.  Stronger than my fears. Stronger than I thought.

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