Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hipsterism Delayed

I really meant to do the "laptop at a coffeeshop" thing this morning, but real life intervened.  My friend Jane, who went to graduate school with my ex-husband, and whom I've been in touch with ever since, was in town for their grad school reunion, and she and Marcy and I met for coffee at Mozart's.  Oh, this is a great story of how we all met!  Marcy spent her first year of college at a school in New York, and Jane was one of her roommates.  They both dropped out and went in different directions after their freshman year and lost touch.  Meanwhile, Marcy came to UT, and she and I lived in the same apartment complex and became friends.  A few years later, Jane applied to grad school at UT, and Marcy happened to be doing work-study in the graduate program, processed Jane's application, and wrote back to her - "Are you the same Jane that I roomed with in New York?"  It was!  After Jane and I became friends, we realized we had a common friend in Marcy.  It was all, clearly, meant to be.

But anyway, we were all on a tight schedule yesterday, and didn't have sufficient time to catch up, so Jane and I arranged to meet at the Magnolia Cafe for breakfast, thereby scorching my plan to do an early walk and blog about it.  Here was the best thing about that breakfast -- we ran into another of Jane's classmates who was in from out of town for the reunion, and I hadn't seen him since my wedding. I am unabashedly gleeful about the fact that I actually took the time to look my best this morning, was wearing my most flattering pair of jeans, and am banking on this guy spreading the word that his friend's ex-wife was looking rather fabulous, and that the word might finds its way back to yet another of their classmates, who broke my heart before I started dating my ex. One can only hope.

It was SO cold this morning, deliciously, invigoratingly cold.  After breakfast, Banks and I walked to my office, where I remain, tapping out this post before we walk home again, and he remains at my side, out of his mind with boredom.  It is amazing how fast you walk when it's cold, and when it's all downhill; now we get to the real work, the 2.5 mile uphill climb.  I'm up for it.  How about you, Banksy? 

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