Saturday, October 6, 2012


I texted Jackson yesterday and told him to take Banks on a long walk, because I felt like taking a fast walk, and just didn't want the encumbrance.  (Banks, I don't usually think of you as an encumbrance, it was just one of those days.) I wanted fast and I wanted hills, so I took a couple of Aleve and took off for my usual route.  Banks was crestfallen, but I promised him a treat for this morning and I didn't let him down. 

First we stopped by Einstein's to buy a week or so supply of bagels.  It was about 7:45, and the place was already full of people with their laptops, their papers, their coffee.  It hit me all of a sudden.  I COULD BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!  I WANT to be one of those people!  I'm going to do it tomorrow!  Instead of just getting up on Sunday morning and enjoing the solitary coffee-bagel-paper, I'm going to do my walk early, go to Fair Bean Coffee near my house, bring my laptop, and blog about it!  I'll bring my paper too.  And I'll see what it's like to be a true SoCo hipster.

So after that, we parked at the big bridge at Zilker Park and did our five miles around the lake.  I was wondering why the parking lot was so crowded and there were so many tents set up, but them I remembered it was Austin City Limits weekend.  Of course.  How nonhipster of me not to know that.  I kept my eyes peeled throughout the walk, not hoping for any musician sightings, especially, but because Ryan Gosling is in town, shooting a movie, and he always takes part in the Austin scene when he's around.  Aimee texted me a couple of days ago that a friend of hers had spotted him at Whole Foods.  I texted back Gaaaggghhhh!  I'm 20 years older than Aimee, but we share a passion for Ryan and his incredible, classical-but-with-an-edge looks.  Well, I didn't see Ryan, but I passed Aimee and her daschund Fritz running on the trail.  She'd seen some papparazzi on the other side of the bridge, and we shared a quick, feverish exchange about the possibility of a Ryan sighting before going our separate ways.

I just remembered that I never did give a review of the Hillside Farmacy.  I liked it -- the food was definitely fresh and creative, but the menu was quite severely limited. They also had a bakery counter, and I saw some delicious-looking bagels.  I'm glad I didn't order a dozen before asking the price, because it was $3.25 per bagel.  That's just plain, not toasted, no cream cheese!  Are you kidding me?  I've never spent $40 on a dozen bagels, and I'm not going to start now.

Quick mullet update -- the front part is ALMOST long enough now for me to pull it behind my ears, a major, major milestone. 

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