Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Put it out there

My "to do" list grows longer every day.  I cross out one item, add two or three.  I'm losing ground here.  Most pressing has been getting Banks' flea control pills renewed.  The poor thing has been scratching and I plan every day to run to the vet, but it just hasn't happened.  The second most urgent item is my car.  Remember my accident of a few months ago?  I've been wanting/needing to get it aligned, but I can't find ONE DAY when I don't need the thing.  But last night, close to 8:00, I ran to the vet (Lynn, who uses the same vet, advised me that they don't take patients after about 4:00 or 5:00, but they're open and doing paperwork til very late, so I took a chance, and there they were).  I got not just the long-term preventative, but the "instant magic" pill that kills all fleas within 30 minutes.  He looks very happy this morning.

Last night was the last debate, and my neighbor John invited me over for sushi and salmon and wine.  The debate was -- let's be honest -- deadly boring, so about 45 minutes in, we started talking about other things.  I've known John for just over a year, since I moved into this place, and we've always been friendly neighbors, but with a bit of a reserve.  We're the same age, lots of the same interests, look after each other's houses when out of town, but how weird would it be to date your next-door neighbor?  Almost inevitably, you're going to break up, and then there will be those awkward encounters in the driveway.

So we had this fun and open discussion about that, and about the kind of partners we're attracted to, and decided that we both are kind of introverted and need to get out more, so we made a pact to just go out and do things as friends, especially the kinds of things that I'm not comfortable doing without a man, like listenting to live music, and keep an eye out for potential dates for each other. How fun!  I mentioned that, if he were a woman, and my next-door neighbor, of course we'd hang out as friends, so why does it have to be any different just because of the male-female thing?  I'm looking forward to this adventure.

As always, Monday was my day off, so this morning Banks and I did our five at Stacy Park.  "Buy new shoes" is still on my to-do list, so I went off once again in my canvas shoes, and my knees still feel great.  It's ridiculously warm for late October, but rumor has it we're in for a cold and rainy weekend.  I can't wait til "cold" becomes assumed.

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