Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Five Mile Walk.....in Earth Shoes

Do you remember these things?  I ran across a pair at a consignment shop not long ago, and bought them more out of nostalgia than anything.  They are so freaking comfortable!  And so incredibly dowdy!  But today I just felt like doing the tights-and-earth-shoes thing.

In fact, they felt so great that, worrying a bit about a time crunch tonight, I decided to wear them on my walk.  I took a late "lunch" -- 1:30 -- and walked to the trail.  I didn't keep track of the mile markers, just kept going til I hit 45 minutes, then turned around and came back.  I wore my regular work clothes, and today was just cool enough that I could get away with that.  It got me to thinking, though.  I did this a few times in late winter/early spring, before the heat and humidity made it impossible, and I'm just now remembering that having the noon walk as an option took a great deal of pressure off of me.

Remember a few months ago when I blogged about discovering the perfect breakfast, and how I couldn't wait to fix it every morning?  I must have had that homemade Egg McMuffin for three or four months now, and I mean IN A ROW, eating something else only when I went out for breakfast, or found myself out of a particular ingredient.  Two days ago, it hit me that I'm sick of them.  Really.  I don't want another one, but I have the ingredients for about four more of them, and I'll ride that out.  What should I do next?  It was the perfect breakfast!  Lots of protein, enough food to keep me full for several hours, nutritious.....oatmeal seems so bland, I hate fruit, cereal just doesn't do it for me.  Any suggestions?

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