Sunday, October 28, 2012


I thought long and hard about taking, and then posting, a particular photo today, but then decided it would be a little weird, even for this blog.
Yesterday just before I started out walking I went to the bathroom, then noticed that my right sock was slipping down beneath the back of my shoe, irritating the top of the heel. I put my right foot up on the bathroom counter to get a better angle, and as there is a mirror that runs the length of the counter, I got a very good view of the side of my right leg. It was quite an eye-opener.  I’ve only really ever noticed my legs from the front, or maybe when I’m walking down the street, I get a hazy sidelong glance at them in a store window. But here my whole long leg was, with the shorts riding up to the top of my thigh, and ….there were some serious muscles there!  I mean, really!

It’s possible these are not the legs that other women aspire to.  “Shapely” would probably not be the right word.  “Athletic” says it better. Along the outside of my thigh there are three distinct sections, look to be about 1.5 or 2 inches each, separated by long muscles.  And in my calf, there are numerous smaller, vertical sections that pop out whenever I move my leg around.  Definitely the legs of an athlete, which I certainly don’t consider myself to be, but – toned, athletic legs!  It’s kind of cool!  And make no mistake, I didn’t get those by walking around a track, I got them by climbing hills. 
So after that realization, you know where I’m about to go – to Stacy Park.  At my request, Jackson took Banks out for a short-ish walk, because I want to walk hard and fast tonight.  The sun is down, it’s perfect hoodie weather, and I am going to tackle those hills.

So rather than a – let’s face it – very weird picture of my legs, which it’s entirely possible you wouldn’t find as fascinating as I do, here instead is a picture of my handsome boy Sam, having breakfast with me at Trudy’s this morning.    

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