Wednesday, June 13, 2012


OMG.  If I hadn't broken the Monday curse (see last post) two days ago, the streak might very well have ended yesterday, because there is no way I could have walked five.

I woke up Tuesday feeling as sick as I think I've ever felt.  Diarrhea.  Puking.  Insatiable need to go back to bed.  But I couldn't because I had a can't-miss meeting (client flying in from Dallas).  This is how bad it was -- I couldn't even think of making coffee, and believe me, I haven't missed my two mugs first thing in the morning in I don't know how long.  I had a cup of tea instead, and an almost-dry English muffin.  Went into the office, informed my boss I would be good for nothing beyond attending the meeting, and would go home immediately thereafter. 

Wonder what brought this on?  It was either food poisoning (I DID have Taco Bell the night before) or a vicous 24-hour virus.  And I do mean 24 hours, because I am miraculously better, exactly 24 hours later. 

My meeting was at 1:30; I came home immediately afterwards, and straight to bed.  Got up only a few times to go to the bathroom, but basically slept for 16 hours after that.  My face was burning up, but I resisted the impulse to take Tylenol, feeling that if there was some kind of infection there, I wanted my body to do its job and burn it off.  My hunger pangs were at war with my nausea; I had Jackson go out and buy me a banana, and that was all I could handle for dinner.

This morning?  I'm cured.  Well, almost.  I had told my boss yesterday I was going to stay home today, as I couldn't imagine bouncing back this quickly.  But I'm taking the day off anyway, just in case I'm hit with an urge for a three-hour nap, and because I almost never call in sick. 

I decided to do my walk in increments today. It is a beautifully cool and even breezy morning, overcast with no sun whatsoever.  But even walking at that temperature, at a subdued pace, on very flat and friendly grounds, I sweated as much as I do on my hard and sweltering walks, so I guess this thing is still kind of working its way through me.  Banks and I walked for an hour, and I'll do another half hour later in the evening.  And I will spend the rest of the day appreciating the health that I too often take for granted.

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