Friday, June 22, 2012

The Barefoot Bicyclist

I didn't get to my motel til after 8:00, and I entered it with a heavy heart.  Today looked like the day it really might happen.  I wouldn't be able to do my walk.

Well, in a way, it has happended, but I'm refusing to see the streak as broken, even though tonight was probably more of a symbolic victory than an actual one.

As I packed this morning, I looked at my walking shoes, and at my canvas shoes, not sure which pair I would take, and put off the decision til I had the rest of the suitcase packed.  You guessed it, I forgot to pack either pair.  I was so busy today I had time only to give glancing thoughts to it here and there, but I had pretty much decided to walk in my very uncomfortable sandals if I had to.  But after a full day of work, I just didn't have the energy.  The woman checking me in brightly pointed me to the business center, the ice machines...and the fitness center.  The fitness center, of course!  Why hadn't I thought of that?

So I got down there at almost 8:45, and immediately got onto the one and only treadmill.  In my bare feet.  The floor of it was rubber, with thin vertical grooves kind of like cordoroy, and I knew there would be hell to pay tomorrow.  I stayed on it for 30 minutes and that's all I could take.  I could feel the grooves wearing into the pads of my feet, which felt bright-hot.  So I switched to the bicycle for about 20 minutes, which was easier on my feet, but boring and hard -- biking works a whole different set of muscles.

Here's where the "symbolic victory" figures in:  after I gave up on the bike, I got onto the Total Gym-type apparatus, and did some weights for both arms and legs.  Then I got down on the floor and did three sets of leg lifts on each side, and two sets of pushups.  Girl pushups.  Then I walked three flights up to my room, came down and walked three sets up again.  In other words, I did the best I could with what I had on this particular night. 

It wasn't until I was almost done that I spotted the sign on the wall.  Good thing no one came in to check on me.

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