Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tomorrow IS Another Day

I lost count of how many people came by my office or emailed me after Monday's post to make sure I was all right.  I reread it, and it did sound rather desperate, but that's how I was feeling.  At times like that, it feels like it's going to feel that way forever, no matter how much experience tells you that it won't.  Tuesday morning I had breakfast with a friend, and the fact that he's a brilliant psychologist definitely helped.  Patience, perspective and a plan.  Life was better on Tuesday, and today it's almost normal.

Just got back from my walk, which today centered around St. Ed's.  I am more and more drawn to that place, now that I've discovered that, even late at night, some of the buildings are unlocked.  There doesn't seem to be any pattern or schedule that I can discern, I just go up to random buildings pull open doors and track down the nearest drinking fountain.  It's awesome.  Just one long, greedy drink and I have enough in me to finish strong. 

I feel the need to add one more thing about Nora Ephron.  Remember when I made a rather snide remark about her collection of glittery friends, and wondered if she had relationships with anyone who wasn't famous?  Three of her kids' former nannies got together and wrote an article about what it was like to work for her, and sure enough, she sounded fantastic.  She counseled them on their love lives, gave career advice, joked around with them....when she was shooting a movie in California, she remembered that one of the former nannies' parents lived there, so she called her, got her parents' number, invited them to the set and actually put them in a scene!  So, she was an amazing woman.  I take back everything I said. 

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