Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

I started my walk at 4:30 AM, this is not a typo, 4:30 AM,  because I have a crazy day ahead of me and I am STRESSED.  Nursery duty starts at 7:00 AM, the whole thing is over by noon, and it's those five hours in between that I'm stressing about.  There are going to be hundreds of kids and hundreds of volunteers.  There are very specific instructions as to where we park, where we meet for check-in, how we tear down the nursery.  New, out-of-the-routine situations are not my favorite.  How I envy those who can treat everything as an adventure. Knowing me, I'm going to come back exhausted and want nothing more than to take a nap.  So, since I got up at 3:00 anyway, and started obsessing, I figured I'd do my five and kill two birds with one stone --  get the walk checked off, and maybe relieve a little stress. No drive to the lake this time -- I walked Banks around St. Ed's for 45 minutes (didn't want him to overdo it since we'd walked less than 12 hours before), brought him home, and returned to St. Ed's for another 45 minutes.

I know I'm a jerk for feeling this way.  This should be a happy, celebratory day, and chances are, it will be.  The anticipation is always the hard part.  I hope you all enjoy your day, and I'll check in tomorrow.  Seriously.  Monday has been my off day for I think the past four weeks, but I am determined to push it back this week.

1 comment:

  1. if you get this twice, forgive me. hey, congrats on walking yourself healthier and smaller ! take a nap with no guilt as you will likely need it. you and banks inspire me in my daily health and creative endeavors!
