Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Barton Springs

The best way to describe my mood tonight, as Banks and I started the loop around the lake, is "petulant." Pissy.  My mantra could have been "Why doesn't everyone just do what they're supposed to do?"  Translated, of course, it's "Why can't everyone act the way I want them to act?" A series of small misunderstandings and disappointments from several key people in my life was just enough to knock me slightly off-kilter.

Not even 45 seconds in, the trail began to work its magic.  The warm breeze, the water, the energy....what on earth did I do before I started walking?  Just sit home and stew in it?  God, I love this place.

As we approached the 1-mile marker, on a small footbridge crossing a creek, I decided, on a whim, to proceed straight past the bridge rather than cross it.  I had always noted that the trail went off in that direction, but so slavishly did I adhere to the mile markers that I was never tempted to explore.  This time I felt like being adventurous.  This trail has a wilder, more unkept appearance.  The water seems a little wider and mustier.  As we kept going, I thought I could hear rushing water; we walked a little further, and I could have sworn I heard a waterfall.  And then there we were, at Barton Springs.

Barton Springs!  I haven't been there in years.  Of course I knew it was in the Zilker Park area, just like the trail, but my incredible sense of direction, combined with the fact that I had only ever driven there, ensured that there was no way I could have connected the dots and found my way there on foot.  At least not on purpose. So there we were, but on the "other side" of the tall chain link fence which separates Barton Springs proper from the downriver, dogs-allowed, no entry fee required section.  Banks loved it.  Lots of dogs to romp with, and lots of clear, cold water to drink and play in.  I had to tug hard to get him to leave.  Best of all, this adds another 1/2 mile to the walk, so we don't have to get to the 4 1/4 marker and then backtrack or proceed east past the Congress Bridge.

When we first moved back to Austin, in 1994, I loved taking the kids to Barton Springs.  It's still referred to as the "jewel" of Austin watering holes, a natural spring-fed pool which remains at 68 degrees no matter what the weather. I eventually stopped taking out-of-town visitors there.  I've lost counts of how many kids and adults I've coaxed into those waters, and then watched them clinging to the side of the pool for the next hour or two, lips blue and trembling, trying mightily to have a good time.

The allergies have almost cleared up, and I'm almost back to normal.  Today, I swear, was the last after-work, pre-walk nap I'm going to take this week.

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