Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Zou Bisou Bisou

Did anyone catch the season premiere of Mad Men?  The scene everyone is talking about is when Meagan, Don's French-Canadian bride, surprised him at his 40th birthday party by performing a suggestive French song, Zou Bisou Bisou.  It was a great scene -- the guests were smirking, and Don was both mortified and turned on.  It's worth watching on YouTube even if you're not a Mad Men fan.  But be warned that the song will be playing in your head for at least 24 hours.  It was the soundtrack to Banks' and my walk tonight at the lake. 

It had been 48 hours since my last walk (Sunday night, with Monday being my day off), and I felt mentally and physically flabby.  My body and mind are so used to this rythm I'm in that when I am out of it, I feel rootless.  Something is nagging at me.  And then, once I've taken my walk and blogged about it, I feel whole again.

Last week I noticed signs on the trail that it would be closed for the week of 3/26.  I'll believe it when I see it, I thought to myself.  Sure enough, there were tons of us out there tonight, and the only signs that they were working on the trail was a pile of logs that blocked the whole path at one point.  No problem -- we all just stepped around it.

Here are some scenes from our walk tonight.  How can you not feel better after spending an hour and a half out here?  When I think back to how much time I used to spend just sitting in front of the television in the evening.....

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