Tuesday, March 13, 2012


After all my talk about the inadvisability of taking my "off" day on a Monday or a Tuesday, what did I do Monday?  Took the day off.  I could feel it coming on early, starting with my stop at McDonald's on the way to work for a sausage biscuit and egg.  Never a good sign.  For lunch, an uninspiring frozen dinner, supplemented with candy from Laura's office, leftover bread in my office fridge....and then a huge Chipotle burrito for dinner.  I felt leaden and tired, and just let my sloth overtake me.  Sometimes you have to do that, and just start again tomorrow.

I took today's walk over the lunch hour, a fast-paced walk down South 1st to the trail (1.4 miles round trip), followed the markers to do 3.5 miles, and crossed over the 1st St. bridge and back to make sure it came to five. I came back sopping, but fortunately we have a shower in the basement.  It is definitely getting too hot for just sponging off.  This was the first time I used that shower, and it felt great -- just hot enough and a good strong pressure. 

I hope you like the picture I've added to my blog.  Or I should say, that Aimee added to my blog.  If you're a baby boomer, and you're lucky, you have a 30-something friend or co-worker who can fill in the gaps of your aging boomer brain.  Aimee, how do I set up a blog?  Aimee, how do I start a Facebook page?  Aimee, what kind of glasses are in style these days?  Aimee, did I just delete my entire blog?  She never fails to respond with patience and efficiency, and if she is amused by my ineptitude, she does a good job of hiding it.  She took the picture at the trail on Sunday, posted it yesterday, and her talented photographer husband Destry Jaimes made it look very, very cool.  Here's Aimee giving up a large chunk of her lunch hour yesterday to help me out.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy to help out! Just don't forget me when you are a rich and famous author! =)
