Friday, February 10, 2012

The Rain, the Park and Other Things

Got up this morning to the sound of rain splattering against my window.  I had been so excited about my “destination walk” this morning – my favorite kind – and now it wasn’t going to happen.  I was going to meet my sister Lynn for breakfast at Mi Madre's on Manor Road, exactly five miles from my house.  We’ve tentatively rescheduled for tomorrow – no way am I going to let that perfect distance go to waste.  It stopped raining later in the morning, but it was too late for a make-up walk.  So after dinner, off Banks and I went.  On a whim, we went down to Stacy Park, wondering if it might be a suitable nighttime walking place -- it wasn't.  So we wound through the tony Travis Heights area, admiring the amazing architecture and enjoying the short, steep hills.  With still a half hour or so to go, we crossed over to St. Ed's and finished up there.

May I talk about knitting class? It was not as nightmarish as I'd been prepared for.  Just thinking about casting on set my nerves on edge, and when I couldn't get the hang of it right away, I came up with a brilliant plan.  For the rest of my life, before I started any knitting project, I could just have a more talented knitter cast on my first row of stitches, and I could take over from there!  Surely, in the history of knitting, someone has done this.
Then an amazing thing happened.  I got the hang of it!  And suddenly, I was knitting!  For row after row, I was not only working those needles, I was actually able to carry on a conversation. Just as quickly, though, things took a downward turn when our teacher introduced "purling." It's kind of like knitting, but....backwards.  And very confusing.  Everyone had trouble with it, even Marcy, who was kicking butt in there.  I left with my half-finished headband, feeling a little deflated
There was a long and encouraging message on my cell this morning -- Marcy exhorting me to focus on "knitting, knitting, knitting" and second-guessing our teacher for piling on this second skill during the first class.  Yes! I thought to myself. Get the first skill firmly implanted before introducing a second, more complex one.  The good news is, next week we're making hats, and no purling is required -- just straight knitting.
Later in the day Marcy and I processed the class.  We both loved the vibe in there -- a good mix of ages and different personalities, lots of laughter and lively conversation.  And maybe because of the setting -- a group of women practicing an old-fashioned home art -- there was a gentility in the room that is very rare these days.  I'm looking forward to going back.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. your knitting and walking adventures are a joy to read about.

  2. See, hats for all this Christmas, maybe even a vest for Banks! Good job on walk AND being crafty!
