Usually I allow myself a later walk on the weekends, but this Saturday, my brother’s arrival time was uncertain, and I had a few other commitments, so I decided to get it out of the way early. Banks and I headed down South Congress again – our new favorite route – at about 7:30. Since there was virtually no auto OR pedestrian traffic, we lengthened the route by weaving in and out of the neighborhoods: one block on Congress, a right into the neighborhood, a left at the end of the block, another left at the end of that block, a right on Congress, and so on. When we returned home, there were only ten minutes left on the clock, so I left Banks at home and finished on my own.
I had a cool moment on that walk, which I’m almost reluctant to share, but here goes: I caught a glimpse of myself in a storefront window and thought my legs looked kind of…I don’t know….streamlined in the leggings I was wearing. We’re talking relative here. And I say “reluctant” because the amount of food and wine consumed over the next 48 hours probably undid any streamlining that had occurred heretofore.
Sunday’s walk was a rambling and somewhat chaotic family affair. It included me, Banks, my sister Lynn, her Golden Retriever, and my brother Jay. There were a lot of walkers, runners, dogs, bikes, and strollers, and it required an enormous amount of physical and mental energy to dodge them all while maintaining conversation and trying to keep Banks out of everyone’s business. I never really hit my stride, and was sore and exhausted afterwards. Our walk was a 4-mile loop; the sibs rested and kept the dogs while I finished up the 5th mile myself. I timed that one and saw that I remain at the 18-minute-per-mile pace.
Best part of the walk? Running into Dr. George Forgie, a beloved legend in my family. All three of us had him for History at UT, and he is far and away the greatest teacher any of us have ever had. We’ve kept in touch over the years, and the unexpected reunion was joyful. That’s him with us below – Jay, me, George, Lynn – still brilliant, funny and sexy after all these years.

Love the picture with the prof, glad you got your shoes, listen to your knees, keep loving your legs (they look great btw)and....instead of rambling and chaotic walks, I see them as spontaneous and adventerous!