Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mixing it up

I am always trying to find ways to be creative and mix things up on this project, to make it more interesting for me AND you.  Yesterday as I contemplated dinner with my friend Marcy later that night, I had a brainstorm:  Walk to the restaurant.  Austin Land and Cattle (for my money, the best steak place in town) is 3.9 miles from my house; I could take Banks on a 1.1 miles walk in the neighborhood, then head to the restaurant on foot.  And that’s exactly what I did.
I allowed myself 1 ¼ hours to get there, and arrived about ten minutes early.  The last quarter of the walk found me in some questionable areas with the sun down, but overall, it was fun to experience other parts of town, especially the shops and clubs on Lamar between about 4th and 12th.  I threw caution to the wind and made the trip in regular street shoes.
Do you have a Marcy in your life?  A friend forever, your biggest cheerleader, the friend who NEVER FAILS TO SHOW UP FOR YOU?  We’ve been friends since college, and have been through virtually every adult life experience together.   Last year we made a pact to never go more than a month without catching up over dinner.  But just as important are our impromptu coffee dates in between – usually preceded by a frantic text (“We need to talk NOW”) alluding to a parenting emergency or a crisis of confidence.  I can’t imagine navigating life without her, and she needs to stop talking about moving back to Cape Cod.  Right now.  This is us finishing up our bone-in ribeyes.

1 comment:

  1. Last night I found myself thinking about your blog. It impacts me at the most odd times, I was cooking mac and cheese for DJ and I began to wonder, how many miles has she walked so far, how can I keep up with the total and is the total mileage the reason I read? I began to wonder, what can I do to make a change each day in my life? Not as huge as this, something... Keep up the good work, the sharing is wonderful and as always, pictures are great for us folks who prefer books with pictures! Did you ever think before you started this project that you would share so much of yourself?
